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                                                       Song Lyrics


Another realm

Verse 1

Don’t fade so abruptly

So fall through space

Jolting eyes alert

Re-enter the river

You don’t know where the dream begins and where it ends

Pre chorus

I see someone standing just over there

Appearing so distant


Streaming through what seems to be

Pondering how real is this place

Don’t wake me, is this a dream

Verse 2

Merging this reality, boldly and so intense

Mind has left me now, where did it just go

Awakening in another realm, boldly and so intense

Merging dreams with reality, now the two become one


Streaming through what seems to be

Pondering how real is this place

Don’t wake me, is this a dream


Eternal You

How would one clearly think

Collective tunnel vision reality is out of sync

Like a huge ship rocking constantly high on ocean waves

Stuck in a sandstorm hourglass of a world size hamster ball

Rolling so fast, high strung the fit

Wake up. Becoming  still, cut out the shit

Life no longer feels like it’s hangin’ on by a thread

Pre Chorus

Now is when I realize, thoughts are your best servant

Go a heads and flip the coin, they’re no master


I am the way I am so uncontrollably

I am the way I am unapologetically

Why reject those who don’t think like you

Clinging on to a mountaintop, only to fall higher steep


Pre Chorus………Chorus……… 


Don’t overthink shit, just take a leap

2nd Chorus

The immortal…. eternal you, stretching on and on and on

There is no future, there is no past, only now, only you



Verse 1

Cosmic euphoric, spacing out

Timeless floating, no sound to shout

Soaring, shouting, oh when and where am I?

When passion conquers fear, initiate the deep dive


You simmer melt through me, one layer at a time

Not so far away, you will be mine


Webbed knots are entangled throughout all space-time

We’ve been searching everywhere, with our eyes without a find

Webbed knots are entangled throughout all space-time

We’ve been searching everywhere on a dime

Verse 2

You’re an endless journey

Can I get you to unwind?

Once together we’ll be more defined

Even in the deepest dark it can shine

A wave of momentum on my side

Oh when and where will I find

Pre chorus



Open This Door 


Enjoy the ride that must be bought

Finding an outlet for me

Becoming now not looking behind

Always wondering is there enough time

I guess how it’s spent is how it’s defined

Gotta survive the wined of life’s grind

To go on and beyond


Everyone’s stumbling forward in the dark

Or being played like a pawn

Where to go from here

To choose which one will be mine….yeah


Do you have the key to open this door

It’s lost in the rock and the waves of the shore

Why not decide and walk right through

Finding the one that’s best for you




Create action not just though

Enjoy the ride that must be bought


Chit Coffee

So a bunch of guys and gals sat around a camp fire roasting some good shit over the fire they just found in a shitty forest somewhere.  So Beastly, Betsy, Pam, Phatilda, Chintzy and Shiddy experimented, observed carefully and were forced to choose between what was good and shit and what was bad shit. They haven’t been too familiar with any shit before they got together and became a cave man/ lady pack.  So when they finally got their shit together, they began collecting different samples of all this different shit. 


Shiddy and the clan aren’t into drinking shit coffee, but…

They know this it’s the only ways shit gets done

If they filter through enough bad shit, they will be rewarded with enough good shit

They had no intentions of purposely retrieving not so good shit.  It wasn’t until they dissected some of it, that they realized what the nasty shit looked like, felt like, smelled like and even tasted like. But the thing is they had to dig and borrow through some of the bad shit in order to get to the good shit so inevitably they were confused at first. It wasn’t until this particularly good shit baffled the Shiddy cave man/ lady pack, because inside the bad shit was weird good shit called coffee beans. 


Shiddy and the clan aren’t into drinking coffee, but…They know this is one of the only ways shit gets done

If they filter through enough bad shit, they will be rewarded with enough good shit

Why would anyone drink it, you are so bitter

Mask it in caffeine/sugar 

Drink enough of it, get jittery caffeine overload 


Chintzy announced to the clan that we are to use water and boil some of this nasty shit in a round thing over fire, mix the left over shitty beans in hot water, put it in a thingy to drink out of.  The best part is when we drink this awful tasting shit we, especially Beastly, Betsy and Shiddy discovered that this was the key literally to taking the best shit ever and focusing on taking great care of our own shit


Shiddy and the clan aren’t into drinking coffee, but…They know this is one of the only ways shit gets done

If they filter through enough bad shit, they will be rewarded with enough good shit

Why would anyone drink it, you are so bitter

Mask it in caffeine/sugar

Drink enough of it, get caffeine overload and then you’re jittery all over the place

So what good now did it do when you’re trying to get shit done and now you’re jittery and jittery again all over the place.  So apparently this is where the good shit comes from.


Journey through we

All my life, been searchin, in every direction

Why did it take so long to see more in front of me


I am you

You are me

Journey through we

Stumble through use a key

Attraction jerks the knee

Tension in unison

Make a move you’re not done, chin up or fall down

Verse 2

It seems skewed  how do I not know you

Widen the lens of view, still can’t fill your shoes

Live your life, run into a pole, do a 180, there she could be in front of you

Verse 3

Getting into a groove, or falling into a bottomless pit

Get in your own way or find you’re way

It’s a weird price to pay when you don’t know where to go

Chorus repeat




Staring in the mirror going into a trance

Sense of identity behind the eyes is a dance

Fulfilling purpose, purifying soul

Busy never nothing, pulling toward a black hole

Accelerating, speeding up, are we processing it

Success, failure, together is our shit

Was swimming upstream for how long, pushing too hard

Over thinking an analyzing down to every shard


Now is the time to polish that grind

Define what is real, done by my hands

Accelerating faster, no way of slowing down

Falling and flying with heads wrapped around

No point of showing me around, I’ve been here before

What I do slowly unbinds me from cognitive inner war


Suffering switch


How many times can we shrink dollars to dimes

Are we one step forward or two steps behind

Isolation the gift wrapped in despair

To create and destroy embedded in layers

What will it take to creatively mold our negate, transform Mrs. Doubt and Mr. Shame

Pre Chorus

Like a black light coaster of nightmares and dreams

Slowly letting go of attachments, feeling it go through the seems


Always feel a pressure building up inside of me

Turn off suffering switch, was is it like to be free

One can’t live without the other, project the anx into the wet

Never losing the demons, just living life above them


How many times can we shrink dollars to dimes

Are we one step forward or two steps behind

Isolation the gift wrapped in despair

create and destroy embedded in layers

What will it take to creatively mold our negate, transform Mrs. Doubt and Mr. Shame

Pre Chorus

Like a black light coaster of nightmares and dreams

Slowly letting go of attachments, feeling it go through the seems


Always feel a pressure building up inside of me

Turn off suffering switch, was is it like to be free


Always thinking of a spiral, keep in line or dance around it around for a while


Always feel a pressure building up inside of me

Turn off suffering switch, was is it like to be free

One can’t live without the other, project the anx into the wet

Never losing the demons, just living life above them


Be By My Side

Always striving for paradise

To feel so real without a disguise

It keeps me wonder how she does this

Love, hate frustration, a bewildering bliss

Pre chorus

Keep climbing up, come glide with me


Nowhere to run

Nowhere to hide

It’s just you and I 

Come and be by my side


At this moment it felt so right

She picked up the coin I threw at her feet to my delight

Seize the one you’ve been looking for

Take the chance, risk it all

Pre chorus
